Using VCS and DVE to simulate Verilog Code
Using VCS and DVE to simulate Verilog Code
Writing Verilog with any text editor(i.e. Vim/VS code/Sublime text)
Run VCS with the following command:
vcs -Mupdate -RPP -v [YOU_Design_files.v] -o demo -full64 -debug_all # For example: vcs '-Mupdate' '-RPP' '-sverilog' 'stdlib_10lpe_ccs_20210527.v' '' '' 'WL_decoder_state_machine.4.0.syn.v' 'SL_decoder_state_machine.4.0.syn.v' 'BL_decoder_no_state_machine.4.0.syn.v' 'Logical_part.syn.v' '-top' 'tb_top_wo_scan_chain' '-o' 'decoder_wo_scan_chain' '-full64' '-debug_all'
A executable demo file now appared in your current folder. Run it with GUI:
./demo -gui
- DVE now opened with your design. Select the signals then right click them, choose add waves -> new waves.
- From Simulator -> Start to start the simulation, you now should have the waves.
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