Some Usefull Commands in Cadence

Unlock file in cadence

find . -name '*.cdslck' -exec rm {} \;

Source ic617.cshrc

echo "alias cadence_tool 'source /usr/local/cadence/IC617.cshrc; cd ~/cadence617;virtuoso&'" >> ~/.tcshrc

Change default simulator to spectre:

In .cdsenv:

asimenv.startup       simulator       string  "spectre"

In .cdsini:

	    (if (isFile "./.cdsenv")
		 ?envFile "./.cdsenv"
		 ?tool "ALL"))

add models in default:

In .cdsini:

asiSetEnvOptionVal(asiGetTool('spectre) "modelFiles"

Check the VNC session number:

ps -ef | grep `whoami` | grep vnc | grep Xorg

Kill the VNC session:

vncserver -kill :<Session Number>

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